THE PREFIX GAME

Name of the teacher trainee: Kavya K. Y.

Standard: VIII

Subject: English

Topic: Prefixes

Duration: 45 minutes

Learning Objectives

· To help the learners understand the concept of prefixes

· To make the learners capable of using prefixes in sentences

· To improve grammar and vocabulary

Teaching Learning Resources

· Kerala Reader English VIII, Part I

· Sourcebook


· Game

· Activity cards




The teacher interacts informally and creates a rapport among the students.




Students were active


Teacher: Today we are going to play a game. Are you all ready?

Students: Yes, teacher.

· Teacher divides the students into three groups – 2 competing groups and 1 judging group.

· Teacher shows a box titled ‘root words’, which contains several words.

· A bell is provided for each team.

·  Each group has to create a new word using the root word picked by them, by adding some letters before it within 10 seconds.

· After creating a word, they have to ring the bell.

· The new word should carry a meaning.

· The group which fails to produce a word or create a word without meaning would be eliminated from the game.

· The group which lasts the longest would be declared the winner.





Students formed into three groups and understood the rules of the game.




I. The Game

Teacher asks the students to create words using the corresponding root words the chose. The words given are:

i. Act

ii. Interest

iii. Mount

iv. Legal

v. Regular

vi. Considerate

vii. Polite

viii. Definite

ix. Design

x. Lock

 II. Expected Responses

i. React

ii. Disinterest

iii. Dismount

iv. Illegal

v. Irregular

vi. Inconsiderate

vii. Impolite

viii. Indefinite

ix. Redesign

x. Unlock

The judging group scores the groups accordingly and declares the winner.




Students actively participated in the activity.


The teacher introduces the topic “prefixes”.

Tr: A prefix is a letter or a group of letters added at the beginning of a word to create a new word. The commonly used prefixes are ‘il-’, ‘ir-’, ‘in-’, ‘im-’ etc.

Examples: un-happy, il-literate, im-possible. 

Tr: Did you understand this?

Stu: Yes teacher.

Tr: Very good!




Students remained curious and understood the topic.


Students are asked to sit in groups of three. The teacher shows several root words on a slide and asks each group to form words using them. The groups have to present the words in front of the class.

Students completed the activity.


The best words are picked out by the teacher and then the students are asked to note them down in their notebooks. She also gives a brief description of the topic, thereby concluding the session.


Students listened to the teacher and did the necessary.


Students are asked to create new words using the prefixes they have learned and also find out more prefixes.


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